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A.V addiction is a site of provide all kinds knowledge in I.T sector, latest technology, best use of internet, business tips, entertainment, news, motivational thoughts, and right information .

Our motive is spread to all experience and knowledge all student and internet user.

Creating idea  one day we think that how to help the people of search the right information and share latest technology, so whan we create a blag

A.V addiction many students and people search the kinds of information his related subject and he seen many web side but not satisfied, so what’s the solution of this problem .

In our blog we provide and share all kinds of information with details, like a engineering, internet power, how to earning money, advertising companies,  entertainment, new technology, web designing, programming, world wide news and new invention, motivational thoughts and study tutorial, online shopping etc. on one platform . our main motive  teach the earning money online of few time working and help to all the internet lovers .

Goal   our goal is help to increase the awareness and knowledge power easily we share are experience and knowledge.

Achieve we achieve all Viewers believe and positive response , thise target is not impossible because everything is possible if all internet, I.T lovers and engineer friends stand with A.Vaddiction.in and use the site and subscribe, share and like this site and spread the whole world and join us.

We believe my all internet user friends they to help us to make the number one and most popular site.


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