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Welcome to (AV addiction) in this post we know about the extension , how to the impotent and what is the use of extension so let see..

A file extension or file name extension is the ending of a file that helps identify the type of file in operating system  such as Microsoft Window . In Microsoft Windows, the file name extension is a period that is often followed by three character , but may also be one, two, or four characters long. For example, the file name "myfile.txt" has an extension of ".txt", which is a file name extension associate with TextFile .

Note: In all new versions of Microsoft Windows by default the file extensions are hidden, and you must have file show extension enabled to view and edit file extensions.

As mentioned earlier a file name extension is typically between one and three characters and will always be at the end of the file name separated by a period. Some programs also support file extensions that are more than three characters. For example, all of the latest versions of Microsoft Word support .docx document files and most web page end with the .html file extension.

Extension are use to indicate which  type of file . Extension are 2, 3 and 4 words  used after the (.)
Some Extensions is here -

.a11                    Graphics AIIM image file

.a2b                    A2B Player Playlist

.a3d                    Amapi 3D Modeling file

.aa                       Audible Audio file

.aax                     Audible Audiobook file

.ab2                    Parson's Address Book

.abc                     ActionScript Byte Code File

.abr                     Adobe Photoshop brush file

.abx                     WordPerfect Address Book file

.acc                     Program (DR-DOS - ViewMax) (GEM / resident)

.acorn                 ACORN Graphics format

.adc                     Ada source code file

.ade                     Microsoft Access Project

.all                      Format file for working pages (Always)

.aps                     MS Visual C++ file

.b&w                   Black and white graphics (atari - mac)

.b~k                     backup file

.bad                    Bad file (Oracle)

.bak                     Backup file

.bcp                     Borland C++ makefile

.bk!                      Document backup (WordPerfect for Win)

.bkp                     Backup file (Write - TurboVidion DialogDesigner)

.bmf                     Corel Image file

.brk                     Fax (Brooktrout Fax-Mail)

.brx                     Multimedia browsing index

.c++                    C++ source code file

.cbl                      Cobol source code file

.cc                       C++ source code file

.cda                     CD Audio Track

.cdm                    Visual dBASE Custom Data Module

.cls                      C++ class definition file

.db                       Database (Paradox - Smartware)

.dbx                     Database

.class                   Java class file

.cob                      Cobol source code file

.cpx                    Control Panel Applet

.crx                       Chrome Extension file

.cs                        Visual C# Source file

.dbf                      Database file (dBASE III/IV - FoxPro - dBFast - DataBoss)
                           Oracle 8.x Tablespace File

.doc                      Document text file

.docm                   Open XML Macro-enabled Document file (Microsoft Word 2007 / Word 2010)

.docx                    Open XML Document text file (Microsoft Office 2007 /    Office 2010)

.dos                      External command file (1st Reader)
                             Text file containing DOS specific info

.dotx                    Microsoft Word 2007 / Word 2010 Template file

.dwg                     Drawing (Drafix)
                             Drawing database (AutoCAD)

.dwt                      AutoCAD Template/Prototype file

.ecf                       Microsoft Outlook Add-on file

.fp3                      FileMaker Pro 3.0 and earlier files
                             Floor Plan 3D Drawing file

.frm                      MySQL Database Format file
                             Text (order form)

.gam                    Saved Game file

.gxd                     General CADD Pro file
                            GX-Reports file
.h                         Header file

.h++                   Header file (C++)

.hh                       C++ header file

.hhc                     TurboTax Contents file

.hpp                    C++ header file (Zortech C++)

.hst                      Yahoo Messenger History file

.hta                     Hypertext application

.htc                      HTML Component (mechanism forimplementing                

.htf                      WebBase File

.htm                     HyperText Markup Language document

.html                   HyperText Markup Language document

.idl                      MS Visual C++ Interface Definition file
                             OMG CORBA Interface Definition Language

.imp                     Impaticized PowerPoint file
                            Spreadsheet (Lotus Improv)

.imz                     Compressed floppy image

.jnlp                    Java Web Start file

.job                     Job file (Task Scheduler Task Object)

.jp2                     JPEG 2000 file

.jpeg                    JPEG image

.jpf                      JPEG 2000 file

.jse                      JScript Encoded Script file

.jsp                      Java Server page

.json                    JavaScript Object Notation file

.kmz                     Google Earth Map Location file

.kwi                     Navigation Data file

.kyb                     Keyboard mapping (FTP Software PC/TCP)

.lcf                       Linker Control File (Norton Guides compiler)

.lcl                       Data (FTP Software PC/TCP)

.lcn                      Lection (WordPerfect)

.lrf                       Linker response file (MS C/C++)

.lwd                     Text document (LotusWorks)

.lwp                     IBM Word Pro / Lotus Word Pro 96/97 document file

.lyr                      DataCAD Layer file

.m4r                    iPhone Ringtone file

.m4a                    MPEG-4 Audio Layer

.m4v                    Apple Video file

.mac                    Bitmap graphics (Macintosh MacPaint)

.mad                    MS Access Module Shortcut

.maff                    Mozilla Archive Format file

.mai                     Mail (VAX)

.mak                    Makefile , Project file (Visual Basic)

.mdl                     Model (3D Design Plus)

.mki                     Japanese graphics MAKIchan format (MagView 0.5)

.mmf                    Mail message file (MS Mail)

.mpls                   Blu-ray Information file

.mspx                  XML based Web Page

.mtv                     MTV Music Generator

.mvd                    MicroDVD (DVD movie file)

.nam                    MS Office Name file

.ncb                     MS Developer Studio file

.nch                     Outlook Express folder file

.new                    New info

.nh                       NetHack file

.now                    Text file

.ocp                     Advanced Art Studio
                           (Offline Commander Project file)
.odl                     Type library source (Visual C++)

.old                     Backup file

.omg                    OpenMG Jukebox

.ops                     Microsoft Office profile settings file

.p65                    Adobe Pagemaker v6.5

.pat                     Hatch patterns (AutoCAD - Photostyler)
                            Vector fill files (CorelDRAW)

.pb                       Fax (FAXability Plus)
                            Phonebook (WinFax Pro)

.pcd                     Graphics (Kodak PhotoCD)
                            Microsoft Visual Test compiled script

.pds                     Incredimail (Source Code File)

.pdf                     Adobe Portable Document Format
                            Package Definition File

.pdw                    Document (Professional Draw)

.pdx                     Adobe Acrobat Index file

.pf                        Windows Prefetch file

.pg                       Pagefox File
                            Page cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay)

.php                    PHP Script (MS Picture It! Publishing Project File)

.pic                      Pixar picture file (SDSC Image Tool)
 Bitmap graphics (Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2)
                            Bitmap graphics (many eg. Lotus 1-2-3 - PC Paint)

.pjx                      Project (FoxPro)

.pnf                     Precompiled Setup Information (Temporary file seen during installs)

.png                    Bitmap graphics (Portable Network Graphics)

.pop                    Messages index (PopMail)
                            Pop-up menu object (dBASE Application Generator)

.pot                     PowerPoint template

.potx                    PowerPoint Open XML Template file

.pow                    Chord chart (PowerChords)

.ppg                    MS PowerPoint Ppresentation
                             Professor Franklin's Photo Print Gold

.pps                     PowerPoint Slideshow

.ppsx                   MS Office PowerPoint Slide Show file

.ppt                     General file extension (PowerPoint)

.pro                     Prolog source code file
                            Graphics profile file (DOS)
.pwd                     Pocket Word document

                             AutoCAD Password file

.qbe                      Saved query (Query By Example) (dBASE IV - Quattro Pro)

.qd0                     Data file - segment 10 (Omnis Quartz)

.qru                      SQL Query file

.ram                     Ramfile (RealAudio)

.raw                     Raw RGB 24-bit graphics

.reg                      OLE Registration (Windows 3.x)

                             Registration (Corel programs)

.rez                       Resource file

.rtp                       Turbo Tax Update file

.s                          Assembly source code file (Unix)

.shtml                            HTML File with Server Side

.sik                       Backup file (Sicherungskopie) (MS Word)

.tax                       TurboTax file

.tbx                       Table (Project Scheduler 4)

.text                      ASCII Text file

.txt                        Text file

.vbx                      Visual Basic eXtension (Visual Basic)

.vcd                      VisualCADD Drawing file

.vid                       Video file

                             Ms-DOS Shell Monitor file (MS-DOS 5)

.vir                       Virus Infected file

.wab                     Outlook File

.win                      Opera Saved Window file

.xhtml                            Extensible HyperText Markup Language file

.xlm                      Macro sheet (MS Excel)

.xls                       Spreadsheet(MS Works)

.xlsx                     Microsoft Excel XML file

.xml                      Extensible Markup Language file

.ymg                     Yahoo! Messenger chat log

.yps                      Yahoo! Messenger Data file

.zhtml                     Secure IE Zipped HTML file

 That is a some important extensions i hope all internet user are like this    post . So subscribe and drop your comments what you think of 
( AV addiction).

                                                                                           Thank You...


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